DREAM Act Arizona!
Dream Act Arizona
Phoenix, AZ
United States
In this section you will find different documents that we have created that will help you and your group of friends advocate for the DREAM Act.
You can use these documents and brochures to learn more about the Dream Act, the rights of the students and to educate others on these topics. Feel free to download, print, distribute your custom made essay.
The DREAM ACT is a bi-partisan bill that was re-introduced in March of 2007, in both houses of Congress. H.R. 1275 in the House and S.744 in the Senate. If passed it will grant temporary legal status for six years to undocumented students, who came as young children, have a good record in school and community. Click here to download this one page fact sheet on the Dream Act. Feel free to print and distribute.
This document has recommendations on how to minimize the chance of coming in contact with authorities and how to prepare in case you are ever detained by the police or the immigration autorities. It is designed as a tri-fold and is divided in two separate files (front-back and inside).
Downoad Know Your Rights Brochure
Baje e Imprima su Folleto Conozca sus Derechos
This document has recommendations on what to do if you are stopped by a police officer or immigration officer. It is in a business card format, front and back and it prints 8 cards at a time. We recommend people carry it all the time and read it frequently to always remember their rights and what to do when stopped by a law enforcement representative.
Este documento es la version en Español del folleto Know your Rights. Ofrece recomendaciones de como comportarse si llega a ser parado por las autoridades y como estar preparado antes de que esta eventualidad ocurra. Las partes del frente y del interior del folleto estan en el mismo archivo.
This was originally a powerpoint presentation that presents some of the basic facts on the Dream Act, its impact and benefits.
This version is a PDF document, so anybody can download and use it.
Contact us should you need the document in power point format.
Invite all to make change possible and advocate to the US Congress for the DREAM Act.
How? Please download and print the following flier.
Download, print and share this electronic sticker in support of the DREAM Act.
Post it in your facebook and myspace with pride.
DREAM Act 2009!
Some questions and good answers to clarify some aspects of the DREAM Act.
Please share with fellow advocates and use it to answer the DREAM Act opponents arguments.
Download a poster!
Please go to an office supply store with printing capabilities and ask the clerk to print this design poster size.
Later you can laminate it and display it when you participate or organize DREAM Act events.
Copyright Dream Act Arizona. All rights reserved.
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Dream Act Arizona
Phoenix, AZ
United States